What to Do If You Have Been Involved in an Accident with a Truck~3 min read

According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), Texas rates second as the most dangerous state for trucking accident fatalities. Only California has more. Our attorneys at Springer & Lyle know how great the risk is of you getting seriously injured if you are hit by an 80,000-pound fully-loaded cargo truck when you are driving a 5,000-pound automobile.
In 2016, the most recent year for which there are statistics, 584 people were killed in Texas in trucking accidents. Many more were injured, some so severely their lives were changed forever.
Major Causes of Trucking Accidents
There are a number of different causes for trucking accidents. Most of them are due to negligence.
- Negligence of the driver. Drivers speed, merge when cars are in their blind spot, improperly brake, are distracted, fatigued and more.
- Negligence of trucking company. Failure to do proper background checks on driver. Failure to inspect driver’s logs. Failure to properly maintain their trucks mechanically, are just a few examples.
- Negligence of driver and/or company. Cargo loading errors. Requirement of drivers to meet delivery deadlines and drivers ignoring laws and regulations in order to do so.
This is not a comprehensive list. There may be other circumstances of negligence that are unique to your case.
What to Do if You Are Involved in an Accident with a Truck
If you are in a truck accident, the first thing to do is to call 911 to report it and then get medical treatment for those involved. If you are able to, take photos of the accident scene and any vehicles involved, including the identification information on the doors of the truck. If there are any witnesses, get their contact information if possible.
You may be too severely injured to do any of your own investigation at the scene of the accident. This is the time to contact a qualified attorney. Depending on the case, your attorney may want to retain an accident reconstruction expert immediately who can investigate the scene while the evidence is still visible and available. Much can be learned from the debris caused by the wreck and any gouge marks in the road.
The truck driver, the owner of the trucking company, and perhaps others, may be responsible for the accident based on their negligent acts or failures to act. You deserve to have them compensate you for your injuries if they are legally liable.
The personal injury attorneys at Springer & Lyle can help you evaluate your case and obtain the compensation you are entitled for your injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other physical damage. Contact us at 940-387-0404 for a free consultation.