Can Social Media Hurt My Personal Injury Case?~2 min read

Social media has become a popular means of communication these days. It’s so convenient that some use it more than talking on the phone. While it can be harmless, it can hurt you or others if used irresponsibly. When it comes to a personal injury case, you should be careful about your social media activity. What you post could influence the outcome of your case.
Don’t do anything to discredit the fact that you’re injured
Defending attorneys will do their jobs of fully investigating their opponent. Social media isn’t off limits for gathering evidence. Definitely don’t post pictures or messages about partying or activities you’re doing. Any representation made in a photo can be misconstrued. Don’t even post messages about future plans. Many things can be mistaken or distorted to seem like you haven’t really been damaged. Use your good judgment.
Don’t talk about your personal injury case on social media
You shouldn’t be talking about your case to anyone. Social media is definitely not the place to vent about your personal injury case. Don’t put anything out there that’s related to legal discussions. Even if someone asks about it, don’t respond. The only way you should discuss your case is in confidence with someone from your legal team.
Think about taking a break from social media
If possible, avoid using social media while your personal injury case is ongoing. Some people use social media to stay connected with distant family. Others may have to use it for business reasons. For many, it’s only a hobby or for entertainment. If you fall in the latter category, try to step away from social media for a while. Social media can be like making a recorded statement for the other side’s insurance company—anything you say or show can be used against you.
Can Social Media Hurt My Personal Injury Case?
Social media can be harmful to your case. The wrong word, picture, or even sharing a meme can have an adverse effect. Reduce your social media use or end it for a while. If you’re going to use it, think carefully about the message you’re putting out there for everyone to see.