Top Summer Accidents~2 min read
Summer is approaching and despite soaring gas prices, it is expected that folks will still be taking those summer road trips. This means more cars on the road which naturally means more accidents. At Springer & Lyle, we want to warn you about other accident risks related to summer vacations.
Some of the top summer accidents in Denton County include:

- Water-related accidents including drowning. Summer weather draws people to the water. More people out with boats means more boating accidents. More people swimming in open water or in backyard swimming pools leads to more drownings or near-drowning accidents. Drowning is the second most common accident resulting in death for children ages 1 to 4. In many situations, the accident is caused by someone’s negligence.
- Bicycle, skateboard, and scooter accidents and injuries. Summer weather inspires people to get out of the house and enjoy the outdoors. They take to their bicycles, scooters, and skateboards. This increases injuries from falling off the device and riders suffer every type of injury from abrasions to broken bones and even concussions. If a car hits a bicyclist, scooter rider, or someone on a skateboard, the accident can result in life-changing injuries and even death.
- Heat-Related Injuries. If someone is suffering from a heat-stroke, they need immediate emergency attention at an emergency room (ER). A heat stroke occurs when the body temperature rises but sweating stops for some reason. Heat exhaustion occurs when the body heat rises but the person sweats excessively so there is an extreme loss of water and salt. The person becomes dehydrated which can also be an emergency.
- Sports injuries. People are outside paying more sports. Everything from throwing a frisbee to playing football or soccer. They end up in ERs with everything from broken bones to torn ligaments.
- Sunburns. Every year in the U.S., more than 33,000 people go to emergency rooms for sunburn treatment. Sunburns can cause third degree burns and may be a precursor to the development of skin cancer, particularly melanoma which can be life-threatening and even fatal.
You May Need a Personal Injury Attorney
If you were injured in any way, and believe your injury was caused by another person’s negligence, you need the assistance of a qualified attorney.
The personal injury attorneys at Springer & Lyle can help you obtain the reasonable compensation you are entitled for your injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other physical damage. Contact us at 940-387-0404 for a free consultation.