No Zone Blind Spot Truck Accidents~2 min read
Truck drivers have areas surrounding their tractor-trailers where they can’t see anything. We call them blind spots. They call them no go zones. They don’t want you driving in those spots, even though their speed limit might be 55 mph, and your speed limit could be 65 or more. In our continuing efforts at serving and protecting the public, Springer & Lyle wants to provide you with these tips that can save you and any of your passengers from being involved in a blind spot or no zone accident with a tractor-trailer.
Keep the Truck’s Mirrors in Sight
If you can see the trucker’s mirrors in sight, the trucker is likely to be able to see you. The opposite is also likely. If you can’t see the trucker’s mirrors, the chances of you being in an accident increase.
No Tailgating
The truck driver simply won’t see you if you’re following too closely. If a sudden maneuver or stop is required, you’re likely to rear-end the truck. You might even underride it. That can be catastrophic.
Never pass a truck on the its right side, and give ample room when they’re making right turns. Nearly the entire right side is a blind spot. Signal, pass on the left quickly, and get out of that blind spot.
Allow Plenty of Room When Changing Lanes
Tractor-trailers aren’t nearly as maneuverable as you. It takes them much longer to slow down and stop. Allow plenty of space when you’re changing lanes into the truck’s lane. Failing to accelerate enough once you’re in the truck’s lane can get you rear-ended. Allow plenty of room and speed up to assure a safe interval.
The injuries that can result from an accident between a tractor-trailer and passenger vehicle are likely to be catastrophic or even fatal. Common injuries include:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Spinal cord injuries
- Severe fractures
- Severe neck and back injuries
- Lacerations and internal bleeding
The insurers of negligent truckers will try to shift some or all of the liability for a blind spot accident onto you. They don’t want you near their blind spots, even if you’re doing it legally. If you or someone close to you was injured or killed in a truck blind spot accident anywhere in Texas, contact the personal injury attorneys at Springer & Lyle for a free consultation and evaluation.