The Extent of Deaths as a Result of Medical Errors is Astounding~1 min read
200,000 people a year – that’s what some estimates say. Politico.Com reports that Captain Chesney Sullenberger, airlines pilot known for the “Miracle on the Hudson”, now campaigns for awareness of this staggering figure that is the equivalent of “20 Airline Crashes a Week”.
What if the airlines collectively were responsible for such a huge number of deaths? The news media would never stop reporting. The government would bring commercial aviation to a halt. But behind a curtain of privacy, in the quiet hallways of hospital wings across the United States, this is actually what is happening… the result of human error in the medical field.
“Sully” Sullenberger is using his national profile to raise awareness. Read this article by By KYLE CHENEY in the August 1, 2013 Report from Politico.Com