How to Reduce the Cost of a Divorce~2 min read
One major concern almost all people have when they decide to divorce is how much the divorce will cost. They know they will be dividing their assets and using the same income to support two households instead of one, and finances are always on their mind. At Springer & Lyle, we strive to help spouses keep the cost of divorce to a minimum.
There are a few things you and your spouse can do that can reduce the cost of divorce.
Educate yourself about the divorce process in Texas. Learn as much as possible about divorce laws, how the process works in general, and the different divorce processes available to you: litigation, mediation, and collaboration.
Avoid litigation. Litigation is the most expensive divorce process. Each of you hires your own attorney and then the fighting begins. Spouses are pitted against each other each one wanting to be the winner. Costs of discovery, court hearings, each hiring your own experts, trial preparation, and trial all add up.
Mediation can reduce costs. You may still each hire your own attorneys, but you meet with a mediator who guides you to make your own settlement agreement. This can work if you can agree on most or all of the issues. If there are some things you agree on, such as child custody and visitation, but disagree on the division of assets, you can go to court on just one issue.
A collaborative divorce saves money. You both still hire your own attorneys, but you all agree to resolve the issues yourself and not go to court. Neutral experts are available to help you agree on issues you struggle with. You share the expert so that saves money. This also has the benefit of keeping your divorce issues private. Nothing is filed with the court except for your final settlement agreement.
Evaluate your actions and needs. Going through a divorce can be an emotional roller-coaster. Keep your eye on the ball and focus on your needs. It is easy to fight over petty things. Do you really want to have an expensive court battle over who gets to keep the 10-year-old couch?
Contact us at Springer & Lyle for More Cost-Saving Ideas
Our family law attorneys at Springer & Lyle, LLP understand that each divorce situation is unique and requires individualized representation. Contact us online or call Daniel Abasolo at 940-387-0404 to schedule a consultation.