Boundary Disputes

Boundary Disputes

You may have bought real estate and never looked at your deed or survey, and now you have a boundary line dispute with your neighbor. He’s claiming that part of what you thought was your land is his, and he wants to put part of his new garage over it….

What’s Fair Is Fair: Rise in FDCPA Cases Offers Opportunities for Lawyers

What’s Fair Is Fair: Rise in FDCPA Cases Offers Opportunities for Lawyers

From The Texas Lawyer, July 18, 2011 With the economic downturn, the number of consumer credit-related suits filed in U.S. District Courts in Texas has steadily increased over the past five years. In 2005, 81 such cases were filed in Texas, according to PACER, the federal courts’ online filing system….

State attorneys general tackle mortgage servicing

State attorneys general tackle mortgage servicing

From the Washington Post By Brady Dennis, Thursday, March 17, 9:00 PM State attorneys general, who soon will enter settlement talks with the nation’s largest mortgage servicers after revelations of flawed foreclosure paperwork and other shoddy practices, will accept nothing less than wholesale changes to the way those companies treat troubled homeowners,…