
Marijuana and Family Law – The State Can Take Your Children over Marijuana

Marijuana has an unusual place in the law and in our opinions about parents.  Here in Texas possession of small amounts of Marijuana is a Class B Misdemeanor like Driving While Intoxicated.  While in other states like Colorado or Washington, possession of what would be felony amounts of Marijuana products…


Air Bag Manufacturer Faces Criminal and Civil Charges of One Billion Dollars

Takata, once the second leading manufacturer of automotive air bags, faces criminal charges from the Justice Department towards three corporate executives for concealing information on the safety of their airbags used in vehicles made by a number of manufacturers. Takata plans to plead guilty and pledges to work with regulators…

conflict in divorce
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Contrasting the Perverse Incentive of Family Law and Collaborative Divorce

The Conflict Incentive There is a dirty secret in some family law cases, one that clients only learn about long after they’ve retained counsel, and sometimes only after they look back at the pain, stress, and expense of their divorce.  The secret is that some family lawyers have a perverse…

What Do I Ask An Attorney Before Hiring On In My Personal Injury Case?

What Do I Ask An Attorney Before Hiring On In My Personal Injury Case?

If you’re searching for a personal injury attorney to represent you, you’ll be confounded by the multitude of lawyers purporting to be experts in the field of personal injury law. When selecting an accident attorney, don’t be afraid to ask these questions, and beware if any answer you receive isn’t…