Should I Seek Medical Treatment After a Moderate Accident?~2 min read
If you are involved in a moderate car accident, you may think you are not hurt. You resist getting checked out medically and may even say, “I’m okay.” At our law firm, Springer & Lyle, we often see people who thought the same thing. They refused medical treatment immediately after what seemed like a relatively minor accident even thought their car had some fairly significant property damage.
The next day, or a few days later, they begin having aches and pains likely caused by injuries suffered in the car accident. Then, they seek medical care only to discover they were actually injured, perhaps even a broken or dislocated bone and are suffering from a significant injury or even a herniated disk.
Importance of Seeking Medical Treatment After a Car Accident
One important reason to seek medical treatment after an accident is that if you do have an injury, it may get worse if you delay treatment. If you seek immediate treatment, the doctor will likely do a physical examination and any necessary testing which may discover an injury you were unaware of. Believe it or not, it is easy to not notice an injury in the immediate aftermath of a minor/moderate car accident when you are emotionally upset over the incident, think you are just sore and hope you will recover quickly on your own.
Another reason you should seek immediate medical treatment after a seemingly minor accident is for insurance purposes if you do need treatment later. If you fail to initially get checked out and say, “I’m okay. I’m not hurt,” the insurance company may use this against you if you later need medical treatment.
When you submit your claim to your insurance company, your failure to seek treatment gives the company a basis to say, “If you were really hurt, you would have sought treatment immediately after the accident.” The company will try to attribute your medical problem to something other than the accident in which you were involved because there is a “lapse” in treatment.
While we do not advocate seeking medical treatment if there is absolutely no reason to, if you think something may be wrong or doesn’t feel right, it’s always a good idea to get checked out by a medical professional.
The personal injury attorneys at Springer & Lyle can help you get reasonable compensation you may be entitled to for your injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other physical damage. Contact us at 940-387-0404 for a free consultation.